Sunday 23 March 2014

Wedding sneak peak - my earrings

Happy Sunday fellow jewellery lovers. I am having a really hard time picking out the perfect jewellery for the wedding. My jewellery is very important to me [obviously] so making the right choices for our big day is daunting. 

I was originally looking for something classic; pearls, diamonds, rose quartz... but after hours, and hours [literally, many hours] of searching, over many, many months I purchased some earrings on a whim, from a brand that I'd been coveting but had not actually bought anything from before - Les Nereides. I know, I can hear the gasps, it's risky, but ladies and gents... it paid off! 

I took a risk with these; I'd never seen anything from Les Nereides in the flesh, so they could have looked cheap and plasticky. Thank goodness that they look quite the opposite. Here is what the website showed me... 

And here are mine... [in a vintage box that one of my wedding rings came in]

Aren't they amazing?! Yes, yes they are. They are weighty [in a good way], the enamelling is beautiful, the stone sparkles and is vivid in colour. They are going to look amazing with my floral crown. I'm not a confident person, so these little touches will help me to feel special on the day. Here is a picture of me wearing one of them... [excuse my dry ears, please] and it helps to show that they are actually a lot smaller than they look. 

So there we have it. My wedding earrings. I'm seriously considering buying a bracelet or two from Les Nereides to tie the look together. I don't have to worry about a necklace, so the bracelets are all that's left. Phew! 


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