Monday 3 March 2014

Today's purchase = my first purchase from

I just got home from a typical Monday at work and I was pleasantly surprised to find a parcel on the doorstep. It was my new earrings from Lisa Angel [via]. I ordered them on the 26th of Feb, they were dispatched on the 28th, and arrived today - not too bad! My first purchase from and I'm impressed so far. 

Since getting my new pearl studs for Valentine's day I have rediscovered a forgotten love of stud earrings. I've only worn earrings [and dangly ones at that] in my primary holes for many years, neglecting my second set of pierced holes, but last weekend I decided to try earrings in them again. They had healed over a little bit, but I sorted that out [ouch] and I needed a pair of studs to keep them open again. I searched high and low, looking for a tiny pair of studs before discovering Lisa Angel on They came in Small, Medium, and Large, so I got the small ones and to be honest, they are still too big for what I wanted them for, so I'll have to begin the search again. I've got my eye on a pair though, so watch this space. 

They came in two lovely illustrated paper bags, inside a jiffy bag, inside a nicely illustrated box. They are listed as "turquoise" and "onyx" [two of my favourite stones] but they feel very light, so I'm not sure what they're actually made of, but they were only £9 a pair, so I'm not feeling cheated. They have sterling silver posts, I believe. 

Anyway, enough of my rambling, here are some photos for you, because that's what you really want. Oh, and I must not forget to do some links for you lovely people. 

Watch out for lots of posts coming up, I've got so many lovely things to show you and I've made plans for future posts, but I don't want to drown you with lots and lots of information, so I'm trying to play it cool. But before I go, I can at least share with you what other jewellery I wore to work today... I wore... 

My favourite earrings from Alexis Dove: Belle Hook Earrings in gold vermeil. Seriously, if you ever only buy one thing from Alexis Dove [which I do not recommend - buy LOTS of things from her instead] then these would be an excellent choice. They are so, so very pretty and I get compliments on them all the time. They are very unusual in their shape but they are just wonderful. I wear mine all the time. This picture is borrowed from Alexis Dove [also link to earrings]. They can be yours for £105. Not my ones though, no, they're mine. 

What else did I wear? Oh yes, I wore this ring, also from Alexis Dove [link]. £90. It's very dainty and pretty. I wore it on my ring finger instead of my engagement ring. 

I wore my usual silver rings too [cat ring and 3 handmade silver bands] and this mushroom necklace from Alex Monroe... 

It doesn't look like it's currently for sale on the Alex Monroe website, but here is a picture of it [it's sterling silver with 18k rose gold plate and 5 x 1mm diamonds on top]. It was about £180, I think. 

So there we have it, I really will go now, but I hope you enjoyed having a look at these lovely, pretty things; thanks for reading. 

L. x

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