Friday 20 March 2015

The Velveteen Box is moving on up... sort of.

The Velveteen Box [Trinket Box] is now live on Etsy and can be found here: and there is a brand new website, which isn't fully up and running and can be found at or

I'm hoping that all things bought and sold through TVB [Trinket Box] will eventually fund my life-long dream of making my own vintage-inspired jewellery. So for the next few years I'll be buying and selling little treasures, so please go and take a look at my shop. I got my first saleable item today, so I'll photograph that and upload it soon, and I should have some more items coming in the post tomorrow. I'm getting up super early in the morning to see if I can nab some bargains in some of the local towns. Wish me luck! 

I feel like I'm really getting somewhere and I'm excited that one day I might be able to make a living out of my passion, which is primarily looking at pretty, sparkly things. 

L. x 

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